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Месяц: Январь 2014


“…come quella C…

“…come quella Contessa Castiglione bellissima, di cui si favoleggia. Allo sfiorire della sua stagione, disparve al mondo, sigillò le porte della dimora e ne restò prigione. sola col Tempo, tra le stoffe smorte, attese gli anni senz’amici senza specchi, celando al popolo, alla Corte l’onta suprema della decadenza…” (Guido Gozzano)


“Мадам Bouvillon искушает судьбу, прося Ragotin поискать блох” XVIII в.

Jean-Baptiste Pater “Мадам Bouvillon искушает судьбу, прося Ragotin поискать блох” XVIII в. Ловлей блох в эпоху Возрождения наслаждались все слои общества – от самых низов до знатных вельмож. Сюжеты, где ловить блох даме помогает муж или любовник, появлялись во всех видах искусства – от живописи до стихов и куплетов.


A meeting of the vanguards of soldiers of the 2nd Shock and 42th Armies in the Ropsha

A meeting of the vanguards of soldiers of the 2nd Shock and 42th Armies in the Ropsha. January 20, 1944 in Novgorod from Leningrad-operation (code name «Neva-2”), the troops of the Soviet 2nd Shock and 42nd Armies joined in the Ropsha, completely surrounded and then destroyed the remnants of Peterhof, strelnenskoy enemy.


The soldier who don’t killed Adolf Hitler

The Second World War was the bloodiest conflict in history. Between 1 September 1939 (Invasion of Poland by the Germans) and August 14 August 1945 (Japanese Surrender), the balance was 59 million dead (and almost 6 million Jews) and about 1.5 million destroyed buildings. However, there is very little in this story one character known: the British soldier Henry Tandey. […]